Magdalene’s Silent Being as a Mystical Syntax
Holy Magdalene’s contrite, repentant silent Being is hidden as a mystical syntax ascending to heaven as sacred music for the Holy Trinity and Our Lady. Her contrition purifies the dark night of faith as we journey with St. Joan of Arc and St. Thérèse through the valley of inceptual thinking. The darkness gleams with purity, faintly echoing the angelic music in the soft light of Magdalene’s silent Being.
Here, perhaps, at the close of our work, one asks oneself why the divine Master of Souls has chosen as the one to love Him more than anyone else a poor sinner, and bequeathed her to us as the most moving example of holiness. The reason is not difficult to discover: innocence is a drop of water in the world, repentance is the ocean that envelops it and saves it.”1
Magdalene’s soft light leading to the kingdom of Mystical France on the horizon unveils the hidden syntax of the panorama across the dark night in the valley of inception. It heralds the symphony of the angelic melody.
The Four Pillars of Magdalene’s Syntax
There are four pillars comprising her syntax.
1. Architectural Syntax of Her Basilica
The high arching nave presages a transformation in the soul as it ascends to heaven in spirit. To the right, upon entry, the first side chapel is that of St. Joan of Arc and St. Thérèse, witnessing the assumption of Mary Magdalene to the summit of the massif to receive the Eucharist. The combined hearts of St. Joan and St. Thérèse circumscribes the ascent of Magdalene. Magdalene’s soft light gleams from the combined hearts.

2. Liturgical Syntax of Adoration of the Eucharist and Veneration of Magdalene’s Relics
Besides the holy Mass - the highest form of prayer given to us by Jesus Christ - the soft light of Magdalene’s syntax guides the pilgrim soul to Eucharistic adoration. As the soul ascends to heaven walking through the nave, Jesus makes himself known in his Real Presence. He is here with us in his true Body and Blood.

The anticipation is palpable as the pilgrim descends into “the third tomb of Christendom” to venerate the holy relics of Mary Magdalene. The woman who loved Jesus, wept at his feet, sat before him in her silent Being, anguished at the foot of his cross, wept more at his tomb, and rejoiced at hearing his resurrected voice, “Mary!” is before us in her bodily remains. At the resurrection of the dead, glory will transform what now appears as mere bone. We venerate her to glorify Jesus Christ, whom she loved. We hope to be caught up in her radiant light at the resurrection, though we are vulgar sinners unworthy of such grace. Repent. Repent. Repent. We are the lowest of the low in our sins. Magdalene is our sign of hope that these sins do not have to keep us from sharing in her radiant light. Repent. Repent. Repent. The Kingdom of God is at hand.

3. Symbolic Syntax of Magdalene’s Transformation in Christ.
Thirty minutes by car south from the Basilica, the pilgrim finds the holy grotto of Mary Magdalene in the range of massifs in the Sainte-Baume Forest. A hostellerie for pilgrims sits near the foot of the massif where one finds a small chapel amidst the hotel, cafeteria, and main restaurant. Inside the chapel hang four magnificent paintings representing Mary Magdalene’s transformation in Christ and her journey to Provence and the grotto. They are a contemplative pedagogy for our own transformation and call to evangelize for Christ.

4. Natural, geographic syntax of Magdalene’s grotto in Provence
After Magdalene’s tomb, her grotto represents the holiest site for the pilgrim. Here, we find the source of our inceptual understanding of Mystical France and Magdalene’s place in it. The soft light of her charism shines across the earth from this epicenter of spiritual astonishment, detected faintly by those whom the Holy Spirit calls. Once perceived, the alethic light of Magdalene’s lamps guiding us to the Kingdom is a beacon. Our soul does not rest until we find our way there and ascend in repentance to the grotto itself. The “Ascent to the Grotto” is the Ascent of Mount Carmel for St. John of the Cross, and the interior of the grotto is the Interior Castle of St. Teresa of Avila.
The Ascent to the Grotto is a spiritual journey unveiling the refulgence of the combined hearts of Joan of Arc and Thérèse of Lisieux, woven with the mystical charism of Mary Magdalene in France through sacred poetic reflection.

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For a collection of key reflections on Mary Magdalene and The House of New Bethany, purchase my book, The House of New Bethany: Holy Devotion to St. Mary Magdalene in paperback, kindle, or audiobook formats.
Lacordaire, OP, Henri-Dominique. The Life of St. Mary Magdalene. Dominican Friars, Province of St. Joseph, 2015.